
Author Archives: admin_jbocanegra

24 Nov 2022

Ballroom Dance in Singapore

Singapore, city, capital of the Republic of Singapore. It occupies the southern part of Singapore Island. Its strategic position on the strait between the Indian Ocean and South China Sea, complemented by its deepwater harbour, has made it the largest port in Southeast Asia and one of the world’s greatest commercial centres. The city, once a distinct entity, so came to dominate the island that the Republic of Singapore essentially became a city-state. Our company has been dedicated to dance since 1999, and we are dedicated to […]

13 Abr 2022

Ballroom and Latin Dance Lessons in Geneva, Switzerland

Geneva, is situated along the banks of Lake Geneva at the foot of the Alp. Geneva sparkles as one of Europe’s most beautiful cities. Home to the European headquarters of the United Nations. Geneva has a long history of diversity and tolerance dating back to the Protestant Reformation. Today, the city of Geneva is a cultural center second to none featuring world class entertainment, top rated restaurants and unlimited opportunities for recreation. Our company has been dedicated to dance since 1999, and we […]

30 Dic 2021

Cursos de Baile en La Dreta de l’Eixample & L’Esquerra de l’Eixample, Barcelona

Nuestro centro ha organizado un curso de baile en La Dreta de l’Eixample & L’Esquerra de l’Eixample  (Barcelona), para todos aquellos que quieran descubrir el apasionante mundo de bailar. Nuestros maestros dan la libertad de dejar elegir a los alumnos qué modalidad de baile prefieren y la cantidad de ellos.  Ofrecemos las siguientes modalidades: El Vals Inglés, el Foxtrot, el Tango, la Bachata, el Vals Vienés, el Quickstep, el Bolero, la Salsa, el Chachachá, la Samba, el Pasodoble y el […]

29 Dic 2021

Cursos de baile en Diagonal Mar & Poblenou, Barcelona

Nuestro centro ha organizado un curso de baile en Diagonal Mar y Poblenou (Barcelona), para todos aquellos que quieran descubrir el apasionante mundo de bailar. Nuestros maestros dan la libertad de dejar elegir a los alumnos qué modalidad de baile prefieren y la cantidad de ellos.  Ofrecemos las siguientes modalidades: El Vals Inglés, el Foxtrot, el Tango, la Bachata, el Vals Vienés, el Quickstep, el Bolero, la Salsa, el Chachachá, la Samba, el Pasodoble y el Jive. Baile en pareja: […]

27 Dic 2021

Wedding Dance Lessons in Manhattan, New York

Manhattan is the most densely populated of New York City’s 5 boroughs. It’s mostly made up of Manhattan Island, bounded by the Hudson, East and Harlem rivers. Among the world’s major commercial, financial and cultural centers, it’s the heart of “the Big Apple.” If you want to surprise all the guests with your Wedding Dance or you need to learn a special choreography for the big day, at Bocanegra Universal dance school they will help you prepare a unique performance […]

06 Dic 2021

Wedding Dance Experience in New York

New York City, officially the City of New York, is the largest and most influential American metropolis, encompassing Manhattan and Staten islands, the western sections of Long Island, and a small portion of the New York state mainland to the north of Manhattan. New York City is in reality a collection of many neighbourhoods scattered among the city’s five boroughs—Manhattan, Brooklyn, the Bronx, Queens, and Staten Island—each exhibiting its own lifestyle. Moving from one city neighbourhood to the next may be like passing from one country to another. […]

02 Nov 2021

Wedding Dance Lessons in London

Bordering leafy Hyde Park, Mayfair is an upscale district of elegant Georgian townhouses, exclusive hotels, and gourmet restaurants. Its world-famous retailers include bespoke tailors on Savile Row and designer fashions on Bond Street. Shoppers also head to high-end Burlington Arcade and Shepherd Market, a cluster of independent boutiques and traditional pubs. If you want to surprise all the guests with your Wedding Dance or you need to learn a special choreography for the big day, at Bocanegra Universal dance school […]

30 Oct 2021

Wedding Dance Experience in St Jaimes’s · London

St James’s is a central district in the City of Westminster, London, forming part of the West End. In the 17th century the area developed as a residential location for the British aristocracy, and around the 19th century was the focus of the development of gentlemen’s clubs. Once part of the parish of St Martin in the Fields, much of it formed the parish of St James from 1685 to 1922. Since the Second World War the area has transitioned from residential to commercial use. St James’s is bounded to […]

28 Oct 2021
Cursos de Baile en Sant Vicenç dels Horts, Cervelló, Vallirana, Molins de Rei, Sant Andreu de la Barca y Sant Feliu de Llobregat!

Cursos de Baile en Sant Vicenç dels Horts, Cervelló, Vallirana, Molins de Rei, Sant Andreu de la Barca y Sant Feliu de Llobregat!

Dance Juan Bocanegra nace en 1999 y actualmente se considera la escuela más grande de toda España. Ofrecemos clases en más de diez ciudades, con alumnos de todas las edades y niveles. Nuestra pasión por las personas y la danza, nos hace cuidar de nuestros alumnos, adaptándonos a todas sus necesidades. Nuestros maestros valoran al alumno cómo la pieza más importante de todas y hacemos un seguimiento personalizado de su evolución. Nos encanta que los alumnos vivan la experiencia de bailar con […]

28 Oct 2021


Juan Bocanegra, X, Oil on canvas, 24 cm x 18 cm